VIDEO ➡ Final Conference of the Greek Pilot Action in the framework of the UnionMigrantNet Project- 14 October 2022 in Athens, Greece Sub theme of…
Guide published by EKA, Athens Labour Unions Organisation & Generation 2.0 for Rights, Equality & Diversity in 2022 Co-funded by the European Commission Available in…
The Conference has been reported by Italian Media (TV, journalists), check this out:
Consult here the document.
Awareness Guide – EN | FR
UnionMigrantNet Newsletter #7 & #8 (EN, GR) UnionMigrantNet Newsletter #6 (EN,GR) UnionMigrantNet Newsletter #5 (EN,GR) UnionMigrantNet Newsletter #4 (EN, GR) UnionMigrantNet Newsletter #3 (EN, GR)…
Presented by the Belgian partners : Le Monde des Possibles and la Ville de Liège.
COALITION AGREEMENT of Local Stakeholders for the Integration of Third-country Nationals in the Bulgarian Labor Market (EN) List of Coalition members (EN)
The UnionMigrantNet project and the cities together for integration Leaflet (BL)
Shared Experiences Document (EN)